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Trainings & In-Services
Team Retreats
Leadership Team Building & Coaching
Keynotes & Conference Intensives
Below you'll get a taste of the type of sessions I've presented/trained at national conferences and organizations of all sizes!
Each session is HIGHLY interactive, outcome driven, and has received EXTRAORDINARY evaluations across the country!
Ask me about the additional sessions and content for your executives, team members, and your board!
Retention 911: Reviving, Inspiring, Engaging, Retaining!
Imagine the end to floor wars, cross-shift conflicts and the “churn and burn” nature of healthcare! Are you ready to do everything necessary to keep folks from rushing to the exits? Are you ready to make this the "Year of Retention?" Today, let’s declare a moratorium on uncooperative, unengaged, and uncommunicative behaviors. Haphazard nonspecific retention and engagement strategies guarantee increased abysmal morale, high accident rates, and pervasive overtime costs. The sheer impact of replacement costs alone threaten organizational survival. GREAT NEWS AHEAD! Retention 911: Reviving, Inspiring, Engaging, Retaining! dives deep into the hearts and minds of your colleagues to reveal what inspires and motivates human beings to embrace change, own problems, and take personal accountability for their part in creating a magnetic community. Our buildings deserve the peace that comes from a workplace culture defined by passion, purpose, cooperation and unprecedented levels of morale and engagement. You will walk away with countless strategies created to kick the “workforce crisis” right in the tail!
Love, Loyalty and the Language of Leaders During Covid, Chaos, and Change!
This is the session for any leader who has recently considered trading in their credentials for a one-way ticket to a tropical paradise with no forwarding address. Don’t even bother searching the organization’s Policy Manual for solutions to nearly 26 months the unending mayhem of global proportions. Our titles and professional accomplishment have proven to be anemic tools against viral variants and the “Great Resignation!” Have your leadership chops “leveled up” to match the chaotic energy and dread brought by this long season of turmoil? Never before have mastering your words, emotions, and mindset meant so much, to so many. Our residents and colleagues are starving for greater connection, expressed compassion, and confident optimism. The speed of change and poor outcomes require new tools and strategies to vanquish isolation, uncertainty, and combat fatigue.
Interactivity and skill-building prepare you to influence the conversations around you toward hope and harmony over fear and frustration. You will become even more competent at minimizing the internal doubt and anxiety that flavors our actions during times of intense change and challenge. You will also benefit from multiple opportunities to practice giving and receiving feedback with openness and appreciation. This unique experience is the Train-the-Trainer for becoming your organization’s lightening rod for optimism and inspired action.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Name It, Aim It, and Claim It!
The trouble started on the first day of employment! During Orientation, HR encouraged us to bring our “whole selves” to work! What were they thinking?! We obliged by showing up our talents, but also our disparate worldviews, life-histories, beliefs, and individual cultures. In theory, we should all get along for the benefit of our residents, right? Precious few organizations provide education or training that teaches how to unite around issues that divide the world outside of our buildings. Every measure of our success hinges on our ability to cherish and honor EVERY team member. DEI: Name It, Aim It, and Claim It! is your golden ticket to the worries, wounds, and countless wins of a Healthcare Executive, 20-year Chief Learning Officer, and nationally successful DEI Practitioner.
Here are just a few of the critical questions this experience addresses:
1) Do DEI committees work, who should lead them, and how to decide on realistic goals?
2) What processes create safe and honest spaces for tough conversations and conflicts?
3) How can you identify and remediate the cultural blind spots that threaten your effectiveness?
4) How can you increase your courage and inspire accountability from others who aren’t committed to DEI principles?
Together, we will problem-solve and identify organizational policies, traditions, and the unwritten rules that sabotages DEI success. What could be more fulfilling than creating the workplace culture that aligns with the mission, vision, and values? Isn’t that the “New Normal” our residents deserve? Wear comfortable clothes. We’ve got some stretching to do!
2019 Just Called and Wants its "Bosses" Back!
Across the country, millions of lawn signs and billboards sing our praises as pandemic heroes and heroines! Has the cycle of variants, social pandemonium, and the imminent murder hornet invasion elevated your purpose and power? Like the fabled phoenix, have you emerged from the fires of chaos transformed into the epitome of resilience? Or has the relentless
3-year roller coaster ride left you stranded at the corner of Depleted and Numb? Hero, it’s time to suit up once more! Low accountability and chronic underappreciation threaten the survival of our organizations. What does winning look like? You leading with enhanced stamina, strength of character, and super self-awareness! Are you READY??!
Despite the intense stress and exhaustion, can you see yourself leading your colleagues to higher levels of performance and cooperation? Can you see yourself lifting spirits, igniting passions, and inspiring greatness from everyone around you? 20 years of national training, consulting, and coaching has revealed 3 consistent truths about the most powerful and effective leaders and role models. This unique experience is for all potential legendary role models who:
Have ever struggled to share critical feedback or hold others accountable for negative behavior.
Yearn to be more courageous, forgiving, and empathetic to the needs of others.
Desire to grow in their ability to master stress-induced conflicts between others, but also within themselves.